Check Out Our Feature in this Summer’s Horizon Newsletter!

This summer the Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program was featured in the Horizon Newsletter to highlight the progress made on Phase 1 of construction at the City’s wastewater treatment plant. The City’s plant treats wastewater in three stages of treatment using multiple physical, chemical and natural biological processes.  Phase 1, is the largest stage, and projects focus on  primary treatment, which removes larger solids. Construction projects for Phase 1 include a new pump station, replacing existing tanks, and adding new headworks where wastewater first enters the Plant and large solids like rags are screened out.

You can read the summer issue of the Horizon Newsletter here! In addition to learning about the Cleanwater Program you can subscribe to Sunnyvale’s Horizon Newsletter to stay up-to-date with City news, events and projects.

Sunnyvale Construction

CWP Green Streets are Complete!


2020 Milestones Featured in Sustainable Sunnyvale